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Third Draft

Third Draft

King County Shoreline Master Program October 2008

Below is the third draft of the King County Shoreline Master Program update. The Shoreline Master Program includes policies, regulations and plans that manage the shorelines within King County’s jurisdiction. The Shoreline Master Program will be incorporated into the King County Comprehensive Plan.

Unless otherwise indicated, Shoreline Master Program documents are provided in Adobe Acrobat format for broad compatibility and in sections to minimize download time. For help with Acrobat, please see our Adobe Acrobat help page.

Draft Shoreline Goals and Policies (Acrobat version)
Draft Shoreline Goals and Policies (MS Word version)
This document will comprise Chapter 5 of the King County Comprehensive Plan and describes King County’s shoreline goals and policies.

Draft Shoreline Management Regulations (Acrobat version)
Draft Shoreline Management Regulations (MS Word version)
The Draft Shoreline Management Regulations ordinance includes code amendments specific to shoreline land use and permitting. The King County Code Sections incorporated by reference includes amendments to other King County Code sections (Acrobat) including critical areas regulations, that are relied upon by King County for purposes of complying with the Shoreline Management Act.

Draft Appendix A
Shorelines Protection and Restoration Plan (Acrobat version)
Shorelines Protection and Restoration Plan (MS Word version)
A summary of shoreline restoration planning and the ways in which it is expected to occur over time.

Draft Appendix B
Public Access Plan (Acrobat version)
Public Access Plan (MS Word version)
Priorities for providing new public access to major shorelines in the unincorporated area.

Draft Appendix C
Cumulative Impacts Analysis (Acrobat version)
Cumulative Impacts Analysis (MS Word version)
This analysis evaluates the success of County policies and regulations in meeting a “no-net-loss” goal contained in the state guidelines for the Shoreline Master Program update.

Final Appendix D: Technical Appendix

The Technical Appendix is a detailed inventory and analysis of existing shoreline conditions. A draft of the Technical Appendix was presented to the public for comment and feedback in February, 2007. The documents below comprise the final report.

Cover and Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
    1. Overview of the Shoreline Management Act and Guidelines
    2. What does the King County Shoreline Master Program include and why is King County reevaluating it?
    3. Context for and history of King County shorelines
    4. King County's shoreline jurisdiction
    5. How will the shoreline inventory and characterization be used?
  2. Characterization of Ecological Processes Purpose and uses of shoreline characterization
    1. Shoreline alterations analysis: concept, criteria and results
    2. Basin context
    3. Overview of biological resources
    4. Climate change and large-scale events
  3. Public Access and Recreation
    1. Defining public access
    2. Inventory of existing shoreline public access
    3. Gaps and opportunities
  4. Land Use
    1. Definitions
    2. Methodology to inventory current land uses and land use patterns
    3. Results of land use analysis
  5. Archaeological and Historic Resources
    1. Defining archaeological and historic resources
    2. Summary of shoreline archaeological and historic resources
    3. Archaeological and historic resources data
  6. Cumulative Impact Analysis
    1. Methodology
    2. Results
  7. Restoration Planning Analysis
    1. Definition of restoration
    2. Methodology
    3. Results

Technical Appendix Attachments

  1. Glossary
  2. Basin Context Tables
  3. Lakes Tables
  4. Data Sources and Criteria for Data Selection
  5. Ecosystem Process Definition Tables
  6. Alterations Analysis Flow Charts
  7. Protecting aquatic ecosystems: A guide for Puget Sound planners to understand watershed processes
    Stanley, S., J. Brown, and S. Grigsby. 2005. Washington State Department of Ecology. Publication #05-06-027. Olympia, WA
  8. Bibliography
  9. GIS Analysis to Update Shoreline Jurisdiction Map


Characterization Data Addendum: This addendum describes the data used to characterize the ecological quality of shorelines in unincorporated King County.

Appendix E: Map Folio

Draft Maps, Chapter 5 of the King County Comprehensive Plan

Map of Watersheds
S-1. Shorelines of the State
S-2. Shorelines of Statewide Significance
S-3. Shoreline Designations


  1. Northwest King County
  2. Northeast King County
  3. Southwest King County
  4. Southeast King County

Restoration Plan Maps
Shoreline Restoration Priority

A1. Northwest King County
A2. Northeast King County
A3. Southwest King County
A4. Southeast King County
A5. Vashon-Maury Island

Public Access Plan Maps

B1.Gap Locations
B2. Gap 1: Snoqualmie River
B3. Gap 2: Basset Pond
B4. Gaps 3 & 4: North & South Raging River
B5. Gaps 5 & 6: Issaquah Creek & NW Cedar River
B6. Gap 7: SE Cedar River
B7. Gap 8 and 9: Soos-Covington Creeks and Green River
B8. Gap 10: White River

Cumulative Impacts Maps

C1. Northwest King County
C2. Northeast King County
C3. Southwest King County
C4. Southeast King County

Technical Appendix D Maps

D1. Shorelines of the State
D2. Shorelines of Statewide Significance
D3. Navigable Waters

  1. WDNR Navigable Waters (out of date 11/2012, link removed)
  2. NOAA Navigation Lanes

D4. Channel Migration Zones

D5. Shoreline Alterations Analysis Results

  1. Northwest King County
  2. Northeast King County
  3. Southwest King County
  4. Southeast King County

D6. Examples of Shoreline Alterations Analysis Results

D7. Biological Resources

  1. Existing Shoreline Aquatic Wildlife and Habitat
  2. Existing Shoreline Terrestrial Wildlife and Habitat
  3. High Landscape Forest Value and Wildlife Habitat Network Areas

D8. Existing Shoreline Public Access
D9. Shoreline Public Access Gaps and Opportunities
D10. Shoreline Historic and Cultural Resources
D11. Current Land Use in Shoreline Jurisdiction:

  1. Mainland King County Land Use Map
  2. Vashon/Maury Island Land Use Map

D12. Land Use Patterns in the Shoreline Jurisdiction

Draft Appendix F
Understanding Rural Stewardship Planning - Aquatic Area Buffer Guidance and Flexibility (Adobe Acrobat)
Understanding Rural Stewardship Planning - Aquatic Area Buffer Guidance and Flexibility (MS Word version)

For more information about shoreline management in King County, please contact Laura Casey, environmental scientist, Department of Local Services.
