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Funding policies

If funded, your grant agreement will include details of requirements which may include updates to some of the information here; the grant agreement language will supersede any differences.

For applicants


Acquisitions, including conservation easements, cannot be funded by WaterWorks, except in certain cases through the council-allocated track.

Duration of contracted projects

The WaterWorks Grant Program will fund a project for up to two years after the contract is signed. In some cases a project may be authorized for a three-year time frame.

Fiscal sponsors

See Eligibility


A cash or in-kind match is required, for at least 10 percent of the total amount requested. Match can be in the form of cash match or in-kind (donated goods or services or volunteer labor).

This requirement can be waived for community-based organizations that work primarily with low-income or under-represented groups by completing the related question on the application.

Billing rates and overhead costs

There are two ways to include overhead costs in your budget: through billing rates or as a separate overhead line item. There is no cap on overhead, grants are evaluated on project costs relative to the outcomes.

  • Billing rates, or fully burdened rates, should be your customary rates or rates which reflect full cost of the project to your organization. If you use billing rates you may not include overhead costs in your budget.
  • Line item overhead rates should be reasonable and reflect some or all of the full cost of the project to your organization. If you include overhead rates in your grant request, you must use actual salary and benefit costs in your budget.

With either method, you are expected to have backup documentation to justify those rates and available upon request.


Partnerships are encouraged. They can help strengthen projects, especially partnerships between different sectors (government, NGO, business, schools, tribes). Individuals who attend work parties or groups that donate funding or materials are not considered partners.

However, an organization that plans or recruits volunteers for a work party or a business that donates materials and helps with outreach, could be considered partnerships—where both parties take an active role in the project. Partner roles and activities should be clearly identified in the grant agreement.

For recipients

Project reporting

Funded projects will be required to submit quarterly progress and expense reports, as well as final narrative and financial closeout reports. Backup documentation showing expenses and demonstrating activities are required as part of reporting.

Reimbursement of funds

Funds will be reimbursed for eligible expenses for approved activities following submission and approval of quarterly progress and expense reports.

In certain cases, advances of a portion of the funds can be made upon request and at the discretion of the County. Twenty percent of the award will be held back until a close-out verifies compliance with terms and conditions of the agreement.

Translation of application materials

Translated application materials may be provided by request; applicants should contact the WaterWorks staff for specific language requests.

Match FAQ

Cash or in-kind match is required for at least 10 percent of the total amount requested. This can be waived for community-based organizations that work primarily with low-income or under-represented groups by completing the related question on the application.

Volunteer labor used for in-kind match should be valued at $30/hour for general volunteer labor (e.g, participating in work parties, planning, outreach). The customary rate is up to $100/hour for professional services (for professionals donating services relevant to the project and proportional to its needs).
