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Weed watchers

Weed watchers

What is a Weed Watcher?

Trail Weed Watchers at work

A weed watcher is a volunteer who “adopts” an area to watch for weeds that could harm that area. A weed watcher surveys the adopted area for invasive plants and noxious weeds during the growing season and reports back on what they find. Sometimes they pull the weeds too if that’s a good way to control that type of weed, but they make sure to let us know so we can keep track of what’s been done. Adoption can last for one growing season or can continue for as many years as you want. Weed watchers help us find new invaders before they get established and help us protect our natural resources and wilderness areas.

Trail weed watchers

Join the Upper Snoqualmie/Alpine Lakes Wilderness Weed Watchers to watch for invaders in these popular recreational and wilderness areas.  Hikers are needed to survey the trails of the Middle Fork Snoqualmie Valley and the Snoqualmie Gateway area of the South Fork Snoqualmie.

You can also adopt a trail or park on your own. We can get you started by sending you a weed guide and data forms. Make sure to sign up as a volunteer with the parks department so they will know what you are doing, and so you can find out which weeds are on their priority list. Contact us at the email below if you would like help locating your parks department contact.

You can report weeds that you find to us (see below for contact info) or directly to the Parks Department for your adopted trail or park, or use the online reporting system EDDMapS to report invasive plants anywhere you find them.

Lake weed watchers
Lake weed watchers learning about water weeds

Early detection of invasive weeds growing in water is especially important because it is so difficult to remove them after they spread. However, King County has so many lakes, we just can't survey them all. If you would like to help us protect lakes in King County, please join the Lake Weed Watcher Program and help us find aquatic weeds while there's still a chance to stop them. 

What happens with the data?

The information from the weed watchers goes to local agencies and community organizations who are working to control invasive plants and noxious weeds in our area. Priority species vary by project and geographic area, but the fundamental goal is the same - protect our natural treasures and recreation areas from the harmful impacts of invasive plants.

For more information:

Skye Pelliccia
King County Noxious Weed Control Program
201 S. Jackson St., Suite 600, Seattle WA 98104

Related information

Related agencies

Program offices are located at 201 S. Jackson St., Suite 600, Seattle, WA 98104. To contact staff, see the Noxious Weed Control Program Directory, send an email, or call 206-477-WEED (206-477-9333).
