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Junk shops and wagons

Junk shops and wagons

King County business licenses

If you own, operate or maintain a business in unincorporated King County where junk is sold, bought, received or stored, you may require a King County Junk Shop License. The license fee for a junk shop is $300 per year. License fees for less than one year are prorated quarterly.

If you go from house to house and place to place in unincorporated King County and buy or offer to buy, pick up or collect junk, you may be required to purchase a King County Junk Wagon License (Title 6* of the King County Code).

Junk includes old rope, old iron, brass, copper, tin, lead, rags, empty bottles, paper, bagging, scrap metals of all kinds and other worn out or discarded material. The license fee for a junk wagon is $40 per year. License fees for less than one year are prorated quarterly.

All applications are forwarded to the King County Sheriff's Office for approval as well as to the Department of Local Services, Permitting Division to ensure compliance with all applicable fire, building, and zoning codes.

To apply, complete a King County Junk Shop or Junk Wagon License application. Submit the completed application by email to For assistance, contact Permitting at 206-296-6600 or email
