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Bicycling & walking commute products

Bicycling & walking commute products

Below is a list of bicycling & walking related commute products your company can purchase to support your Employee Commute Program:

Bicycle racks and cages

Bike rack vendors can provide products from the basic to the creative and custom. Check out these web sites of local vendors to see what is available or can be created to order:

Bicycle lockers

For commuters, more permanent shelters are in order. The following links provide information on installing lockers at your place of work or renting publicly available lockers at Park-and-Rides or other locations:

Cycle Sharing

Information on cycle sharing system.


Below are some suggested items you can purchase at most local retailers to promote safety and encourage a healthy lifestyle among your employees who walk to work.

  • Pedometers
  • Reflective vests
  • Backpacks
  • Water bottles

This list may not be exhaustive and does not constitute any form of endorsement of a vendor by the County.
