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Racism as a Public Health Crisis

The Race Gap in King County: Racism as a Public Health Crisis

Many present day policies and practices continue to build upon and support systems that favor the health and economic prosperity of White individuals at the expense of Black individuals. The effects of systemic racism and chronic stress accumulate over a lifetime for Black individuals and results from generational as well as lifetime experiences of racial discrimination. The data in this presentation provides snapshots across the lifespan to highlight the disproportionate impact of how racial discrimination and systematically oppressive policies and practices continue to have local impacts in the lives of Black residents compared to White residents in King County.

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Public Health – Seattle & King County is committed to working in stronger and better-resourced partnerships with community organizations and leaders to disrupt and dismantle racism. We recognize that both historically and currently, King County has been complicit in maintaining and perpetuating structural racism, and that as an institution we must be a vital player in dismantling oppressive systems that are grounded in white supremacy. This data serves as a foundation to build upon and invest resources, programs, and policies as we continue our journey towards transformation.

Stay up to date on announcements including what King County is doing with the declaration of racism as a public health crisis.
