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See how ballots are processed by watching our live election cams. 通過觀看我們的現場選舉攝像鏡頭,瞭解我們如何處理選票。

Sorting, opening, and scanning ballots do not happen every day or at all hours of the day. If we are not currently processing ballots, our virtual tour video will give you an idea of what we do. 選票分類、開啟及掃描並不會在每天或整天時間進行。如果我們目前沒有在處理選票, 我們的虛擬導覽視頻 會讓您對我們所做的工作有一個大致上的瞭解。

Our webcams are experiencing technical difficulties when viewed on Internet Explorer. The webcams should work with Chrome, Firefox, Opera and Safari. Thank you for your patience. 使用互聯網瀏覽器(Internet Explorer)查看時,我們的網絡攝像鏡頭遇到技術性問題。 網絡攝像鏡頭應該與Chrome、Firefox、Opera及Safari等瀏覽器兼容。多謝您的體諒。

Election Service Center 選舉服務中心

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Watch Elections Service Center livestream 觀看選舉服務中心直播

The Elections Service Center provides accessible voting and voter registration services. It opens about 20 days before each election to provide in-person, accessible voting for all voters, and specifically those voters who require assistance to vote privately and independently. 選舉服務中心提供方便投票及選民登記服務。 中心大約在每次選舉前20天開放,為所有選民提供親臨、 方便投票,尤其是那些需要協助才能隱秘和獨立投票的選民。

Staff working at these stations during an election also perform regular administrative duties in between serving voters who visit the center. If there is no live stream or no activity, please check back again at another time or day. 於選舉期間,在這些崗位工作的職員除了服務前來中心的選民,還要執行常務行政職責。如果沒有現場直播或任何活動,請稍後在另一個時間或日期再次查看。




Incoming ballots are delivered to the warehouse at Elections Headquarters. 收到的選票將被運到選舉總部的倉庫

Ballots are then brought up the secure freight elevator to the ballot processing floor. 然後選票從保安運貨電梯送到選票處理樓層。

Ballots do not arrive every day, or at all hours. If there is no live stream or no activity in the warehouse, please check back again at another time or day. 選票並非每天都送達,也不是隨時送達。如果倉庫中沒有直播或沒有活動,請在其它時間或日期再次查看。

選票投放箱之選票分類 1

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當投放箱的選票交回到金郡選舉部時,便將它們為選票分類機做好準備。 保安運輸箱由兩人組成的小組打開,然後按選票分類機的投放箱地點將其分類到郵件托盤中。 該小組還將任何非選票材料或其它郡選票放在單獨的托盤中進行處理。 將其它郡或甚至其它州的選票包裝,然後發送到該郡或州進行處理。

選票投放箱之選票分類並不會在每天或整天時間進行。 如果選票投放箱之選票分類區沒有現場直播或任何活動,請稍後在另一個時間或日期再次查看。

Sorting 選票分類

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Watch sorting livestream 觀看選票分類直播

When ballots are delivered to King County Elections, the signature on each envelope is scanned by our mail sorting machines and sent electronically to the signature verification team. Once the signatures have been reviewed and accepted, we prepare envelopes for the opening process by cutting the top of the envelope for easier ballot extraction. Ballots with signature issues are held in secure storage and cannot move forward until the signature is verified. This is the first stage of ballot accountability. 當選票被送到金郡選舉部時,我們的郵件分類機會掃描每個信封上的簽名, 並以電子方式發送到簽名確證組。一旦簽名被審核和接受, 我們通過切除信封頂端來為信封開啟過程做好準備,以便容易抽出選票。 簽名有問題的選票會被保存在保安密室,並且在簽名被確證之前不得進行下一步。 這是選票問責制的第一階段。

Sorting does not happen every day, or at all hours. If there is no live stream or no activity in the ballot sorting area, please check back again at another time or day. 選票分類並不會在每天或整天時間進行。 如果在選票分類區沒有現場直播或任何活動, 請稍後在另一個時間或日期再次查看。


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Watch alternate format livestream 觀看其它格式直播

從服役和海外選民通過電郵或傳真交回的選票,以及除金郡選舉部發行的回郵信封以外的任何其它方式交回的選票,都需要特殊處理。 Ballots returned by email or fax from service and overseas voters, as well as any ballots returned in something other than the King County Elections issued return envelope, require special handling.


這些選票由經過專門培訓的小組彙編和審查,以確保選民的私隱和真實性。處理這些選票往往需要額外的時間,因為這個過程較為以人工處理。 These ballots are compiled and reviewed by a specially trained team to ensure voter privacy and authenticity. Processing these ballots often requires additional time as the process is more manual.


Alternate Format does not happen every day, or at all hours. If there is no live stream or no activity in the alternate format area, please check back again at another time or day.

Signature Verification 簽名確證

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Watch signature verification livestream 觀看簽名確認 1 直播

Before any ballot is counted, the law requires that we visually compare the signature on every returned ballot envelope with the voter’s signature on file. Trained specialists look for general similarities such as height and spacing of letters or slants. If the signatures match, the ballot packet is approved to move forward to opening. If the signatures do not match or a signature is missing, the ballot packet is flagged and sent for further review. 在點算任何選票之前,法律要求我們將每個交回的選票信封上之簽名與在選民檔案中的簽名進行目視比較。 訓練有素的專員尋找一般相似性,例如字母的高度和間距或傾斜度。如果簽名吻合, 該選票郵件會被通過並送往開啟部。如果簽名並不吻合或無簽名,該選票郵件會被標記並送交進一步審查。

Approximately one to two percent of ballots returned in each election have a problem with the signature, which is referred to as a “challenge.” This requires the voter to resolve the issue before their ballot may be processed. The majority of challenges are simply because the voter did not sign the envelope. Many signatures on the envelope do not match what is on file. While there are many reasons this could happen, common reasons include the length of time since the voter first registered to vote or a voter initialing instead of signing. We contact voters by letter, email and phone with instructions on how to resolve the issue and they have until the day before the election is certified to respond. 在每次選舉中,交回的選票中大約有百分之一至二有簽名問題,這被稱為“被質疑”。這要求選民要先解決問題,他們的選票方可進行處理。大多數的被質疑僅僅是因為選民沒有簽署信封。有很多在信封上的簽名與檔案中的不吻合。雖然導致發生這種情況的原因有很多,但常見的原因包括自選民首次登記投票以來的時間太久,或選民以首字母簽署而不是正式簽名。我們通過信件,電郵及電話與選民聯絡,提供有關如何解決問題的說明,直至選舉確證日前一天,選民都可做出回應。

Signature verification does not happen every day, or at all hours. If there is no live stream or no activity in the signature verification area, please check back again at another time or day. 簽名確證並不會在每天或整天時間進行。 如果在簽名確證區沒有現場直播或任何活動, 請稍後在另一個時間或日期再次查看。

Envelope Review 信封檢查

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Envelope Review livestream 信封檢查

信封檢查是簽名確證過程的第二步驟。當選票郵件被標記為簽名不吻合時,其將再次被查看信封檢查。 Envelope review is the second step of the signature verification process. When a ballot packet is flagged for a mismatching signature, it gets another look at Envelope Review.

這小組進行對簽名和選民作進一步的研究,以確保在選票受到質疑或接受之前,有證據支持這一決定。 This team conducts additional research on the signature and the voter to ensure that before a ballot is challenged or accepted, there is evidence to support that determination.

在每次選舉中,交回的選票中大約有百分之一至二有簽名問題,這被稱為“被質疑”。這要求選民要先解決問題,他們的選票方可進行處理。大多數的被質疑僅僅是因為選民沒有簽署信封。有很多在信封上的簽名與檔案中的不吻合。雖然導致發生這種情況的原因有很多,但常見的原因包括自選民首次登記投票以來的時間太久,或選民以首字母簽署而不是正式簽名。我們通過信件,電郵及電話與選民聯絡,提供有關如何解決問題的說明,直至選舉確證日前一天,選民都可做出回應。 Approximately one to two percent of ballots returned in each election have a problem with the signature, which is referred to as a “challenge.” This requires the voter to resolve the issue before their ballot may be processed. The majority of challenges are simply because the voter did not sign the envelope. Many signatures on the envelope do not match what is on file. While there are many reasons this could happen, common reasons include the length of time since the voter first registered to vote or a voter initialing instead of signing. We contact voters by letter, email and phone with instructions on how to resolve the issue and they have until the day before the election is certified to respond.

信封檢查並不會在每天或整天時間舉行。如果在信封檢查區中沒有現場直播或任何活動,請稍後在另一個時間或日期再次查看。 Envelope Review does not happen every day, or at all hours. If there is no live stream or no activity in the envelope review area, please check back again at another time or day.

Opening 選票開啟

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Watch opening livestream 觀看選票開啟直播

Opening is a three step process: 選票開啟分為三個步驟:

  1. The security envelope, containing the voted ballot, is removed from the signature envelope and separated. 將含有已填投選票的保安信封從簽名的信封中取出並分開。
  2. Once all signature envelopes have been emptied and set aside, staff open the security envelopes and remove the ballots. 一旦所有簽名信封被清空及放在一旁後,工作人員打開保安信封並取出選票。
  3. We visually inspect the ballot to determine if the votes as marked by the voter can be properly read by our scanning equipment. Ballots that are physically ready for scanning and tabulation proceed. Ballots with physical damage or unclear voter marks are sent to Ballot Review. 我們目視檢查該選票,以確定選民填寫的投票是否可以被我們的掃描設備器正確地讀取。 準備好了的選票會繼續進行掃描和點票統計過程。 有物理損壞或選民筆跡不清楚的選票會被發送到選票檢查部。

Ballot opening does not happen every day, or at all hours. If there is no live stream or no activity in the opening area, please check back again at another time or day. 選票開啟並不會在每天或整天時間進行。 如果在選票開啟區沒有現場直播或任何活動, 請稍後在另一個時間或日期再次查看。

Opening 選票開啟

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Watch opening livestream 觀看選票開啟直播

Ballot Review 選票檢查

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Watch ballot review livestream 觀看選票檢查直播

A team of two people visually inspect the ballot to determine if the votes as marked by the voter can be properly read by our scanning equipment. Teams use the Voter Intent Manual   produced by the Office of the Secretary of State which ensures consistent determination of voter intent. 一個由兩人組成的小組目視檢查選票, 以確定我們的掃描設備器是否可以正確地讀取選民填寫的投票。 小組使用由州務卿辦公室編製的選民意向手冊 , 從而保證確定選民意圖的一致性。

If voter intent cannot be determined by use of the manual or other established directions from the Canvassing Board, ballots are forwarded to the Canvassing Board for final determination. 如果無法通過使用手冊或來自 選票審核委員會 的其它制定指示來確定選民意圗,選票則會轉到選票審核委員會作最終決定。

Ballot review does not happen every day, or at all hours. If there is no live stream or no activity in the opening area, please check back again at another time or day. 選票檢查並不會在每天或整天時間進行。 如果在選票開啟區沒有現場直播或任何活動, 請稍後在另一個時間或日期再次查看。

Scanning and Tabulation 掃描和點票

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Watch scanning and tabulation livestream 觀看掃描和點票直播

Once a ballot is ready for tabulation, a machine scans the ballot and stores the images on a secure and closed system. 一旦選票準備好進行點票, 就有一部機器會對選票進行掃描, 然後將圖像儲存在一個安全且密封的系統内。

Tabulation occurs after 8 p.m. on Election Night and results are produced and made public. Scanning and tabulation continue until all eligible votes are counted and the election is certified. The tabulation server is secured in a room that is monitored by security cameras, biometric controlled access and tamper evident seals. 點票會在選舉日晚上8時之後開始,隨後即將選舉結果公佈。 掃描和點票工作會持續到所有有效選票被點算和選舉獲確證為止。 該點票服務器會固定在一個設有監控攝像鏡頭,生物識別控制使用和防篡改封條監控的房間内。

Scanning does not happen every day, or at all hours. If there is no live stream or no activity in the scanning area, please check back again at another time or day. 選票掃描並不會在每天或整天時間舉行。 如果在選票掃描區沒有現場直播或任何活動,請稍後在另一個時間或日期再次查看。

These webcams are a service provided by King County Elections and are subject to change without notice. 這些網絡攝像鏡頭是金郡選舉部提供的服務,如有更改,恕不另行通知。
