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Restoring natural areas after construction

When wastewater capital projects affect natural areas such as streams, wetlands, and other critical environments, the Mitigation and Monitoring (M/M) Program steps in to make sure that the areas are restored and that restoration continues to be successful.

The M/M Program uses the best available science, ongoing problem-solving, and innovation to return an affected natural area to as good or better condition than before construction. The program team makes sure restored sites are able to function on their own once monitoring is complete.

Program update

What's in a sign?

The M/M Program has revamped the signs marking its restoration sites. The new signs now convey in full color the importance of the restoration sites to water quality and wildlife habitat. The signs also identify activities that can harm the restoration sites, such as dumping, trampling, and plant harvesting.

Learn more

Where we are working

Locate restoration sites that the M/M Program is actively monitoring in the region. 

Examples of our work

Learn how the M/M Program is working to make sure that natural areas and landscapes affected by project construction recover.

Additional resources

Find a variety of resources related to the M/M Program and environmental restoration. 
