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King County Green Schools program success story: Kent Phoenix Academy

Success story: Kent Phoenix Academy

School District: Kent
School Location: Kent
Began participating in the Green Schools Program: January 2013

Level One of the Green Schools Program: Achieved in May 2013

Waste reduction and recycling (level one)

  • The school maintains a 43 percent recycling rate.
  • The student Green Team received training from the King County Green Schools Program on what materials can be recycled, proper sorting and how to monitor lunchroom recycling stations.
  • Green Team students created signs for the lunchroom to remind students about what can and can’t be recycled.
  • With the assistance and support of interim head custodian Linda Clarendon, Kent Phoenix Academy began collecting recyclable materials in the lunchroom.
  • District staff trained school staff on how to properly sort waste and recyclable materials in the lunchroom.
  • Kent Phoenix Academy reduces paper by providing online curriculum and laptops for students. 
  • The school monitors the photocopy account of each staff member, and the administration investigates reasons behind excess paper use.
  • As part of the district’s initiative to reduce waste, plastic-wrapped utensils, napkins and straws were replaced with loose utensils and napkins available in sanitary bulk dispensers. Plastic drinking straws were eliminated in the lunchroom.
  • Diana Pratt, assistant principal, promotes waste reduction and recycling successes and places reminders in PA announcements and the school newsletter.
  • Kent Phoenix Academy partners with King County to host an electronic and hazardous waste annual collection event in the school parking lot.

For more information about the school’s conservation achievements and participation in the Green Schools Program, contact:

Diana Pratt, assistant principal
Linda Clarendon, interim head custodian
Beth Gilbertson, environmental services supervisor, Kent School District
Kent Phoenix Academy
Cafeteria disposal station before cafeteria collection of recyclable materials was started.
Kent Phoenix Academy
Cafeteria recycling station after collection of recyclable materials was initiated.
King County Solid Waste Division mission: Waste Prevention, Resource Recovery, Waste Disposal

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