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King County Green Schools program success story: Illahee Middle School

Success story: Illahee Middle School

School District: Federal Way
School Location: Federal Way
Began participating in the Green Schools Program: February 2014

Level One of the Green Schools Program: Achieved in May 2015

Waste reduction and recycling (level one)

  • Illahee Middle School more than doubled its recycling rate to 43 percent.
  • The Green Team placed a recycling bin next to each garbage bin, and placed signs with information about what can be recycled on all classroom recycling bins.
  • The school placed recycling bins in its sports field to encourage teams and other field users to recycle.
  • Students emptied classroom recycling bins into the main hallway recycling bin, and the custodian emptied recycling bins in the main hallway, the cafeteria, and the sports field.
  • The school created a video to remind students how to properly sort waste during lunch.
  • The student Green Team monitored lunchroom recycling and waste stations on a quarterly basis and tracked contamination, and then reminded students about what can and can’t be recycled.
  • The school announced its participation in the King County Green Schools Program to students, staff and parents over the school PA and at staff and Green Team meetings.
  • The school tracked the number of paper copies made by staff and limited the number of copies allowed per month.

For more information about the school’s conservation achievements and participation in the Green Schools Program, contact:

Maggie Pierce, teacher
King County Solid Waste Division mission: Waste Prevention, Resource Recovery, Waste Disposal

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