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King County Green Schools program success story: Arrowhead elementary school

Success story: Arrowhead Elementary School

School District: Northshore
School Location: Kenmore
Began participating in the Green Schools Program: October 2007

Level One of the Green Schools Program: Achieved in May 2009
Level Two of the Green Schools Program: Achieved in May 2011

Waste reduction and recycling 2010-11

  • Arrowhead further increased its recycling rate to 49 percent from its 2009 recycling rate of 40 percent.
  • The Arrowhead team implemented a school-wide waste free lunch and realized a 30 percent reduction in garbage on the day of the event.
  • The first grade class continues to compost food scraps in its classroom and plans to work with the waste-free lunch committee in 2012 to incorporate food scrap collection into that event.
  • To reduce paper, the PTA changed from printed weekly newsletters to an online weekly newsletter. Additionally they are printing fewer monthly newsletters.
Arrowhead Elementary
Reusable trays replaced disposable polystyrene trays. After lunch, students at Arrowhead help to stack reusable trays.

Waste reduction and recycling 2007-09

  • Arrowhead Elementary reduced garbage by 25 percent and established a recycling rate of 40 percent.
  • Arrowhead students attended a school-wide assembly in which the student council presented information on recycling and the four Rs: reduce, reuse, recycle, and re-think.
  • The student council made posters and a banner about recycling.
  • Teams of parent volunteers and student council members gave in-class demonstrations on appropriate recycling methods.
  • Principal Pete Misner asked the Northshore School District to replace the disposable polystyrene lunch trays with durable, reusable trays. The district purchased durable trays and provided staff hours to wash them. Student volunteers help to collect the trays from each classroom.
  • Arrowhead started using and promoting an online newsletter which reduces paper use.
  • Parent volunteers integrated conservation practices into PTA meetings by printing fewer handouts and using durable cups.
  • Teacher Scott's first-grade class began a food composting project.

Energy conservation

  • Since 2008, Arrowhead has reduced its utility cost by 10 percent, saving $4,500 annually.
  • Signs were posted near light switches to remind staff and students to turn off lights when not in use.
  • Teachers close blinds and turn off classroom electronics at the end of each day to conserve energy.
  • The school unplugs individual refrigerators over the summer to reduce unnecessary energy use.
  • With assistance from the district resource conservation manager, the after-school coordinators are working to reduce energy by centralizing after-school activities into common areas.

Litter reduction

  • Arrowhead organizes a school-wide litter clean up event. Teachers, parents and students pick up trash around campus and end the day with a recognition assembly for the school.

Energy conservation

  • Since 2008, Arrowhead has reduced its utility cost by 10 percent, saving $4,500 annually.
  • Signs were posted near light switches to remind staff and students to turn off lights when not in use.
  • Teachers close blinds and turn off classroom electronics at the end of each day to conserve energy.
  • The school unplugs individual refrigerators over the summer to reduce unnecessary energy use.
  • With assistance from the district resource conservation manager, the after-school coordinators are working to reduce energy by centralizing after-school activities into common areas.


  • Arrowhead received the Efficient School Energy Star Award.
  • Principal, Pete Misner, won a King County Earth Hero at School award in April 2009 for leading the school’s conservation practices and Green Schools Program achievements.

For more information about this school’s conservation achievements and participation in the Green Schools Program, contact:

Marsha Moore, principal
Erin Person, parent and PTA green committee co-chair
Cary Westerbeck, parent and PTA green committee co-chair
King County Solid Waste Division mission: Waste Prevention, Resource Recovery, Waste Disposal

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