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Edible Food for Donation - Compost More. Waste Less. Food & food-soiled paper recycling in King County, WA

Edible food for donation

Donate food. it’s easy to do!

Many individuals, groups and businesses provide food to hunger relief agencies that serve or distribute the food to needy individuals. In addition to helping feed members of our community, donations of edible food can reduce waste, mitigate climate impacts and provide cost savings for businesses.

Donating food is safe and legal

Donors who provide food in good faith are protected by both state external link and federal external link Good Samaritan laws are designed to encourage donation of needed foods and protect donors. Donors must comply with state food safety rules external link . There are also limits on the types and sources of food that can be donated. For example, home-prepared food donations are limited to fresh produce and homemade baked goods that do not need refrigeration to remain safe, such as cookies, cakes, fruit pies, and breads. Businesses have more donation options. For details see Washington State Department of Health Charity Food Donation guidelines external link .

Search the King County's “What do I do With…?” website to find locations that accept edible food donations. Food products that are no longer edible can be collected for composting from residents or businesses, often for less that the cost of garbage disposal.

Food: Too Good To Waste

Food: Too Good To Waste

Learn how to reduce food waste at home.

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