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MIDD 2 Initiative Descriptions

MIDD 2 Initiative Descriptions

Behavioral Health and Recovery Division

The Initiative Descriptions provide detailed information for each of MIDD 2’s 53 initiatives. These descriptions collectively outline the programs and services of MIDD 2 as of June 2017.

The information shown in Initiative Descriptions is subject to revision based on stakeholder and community feedback that might occur during ongoing implementation and evaluation planning work or as a result of environmental or policy changes that could affect MIDD in the future. Future revisions will be shared with the Advisory Committee whenever changes are substantive, and will be communicated to policymakers, stakeholders, and the public through MIDD’s annual reports.

Please note that in most instances, information for new MIDD 2 initiatives reflects evolving conditions and development processes, including ongoing detailed implementation planning that in many cases includes collaboration with stakeholders and communities. Also, some MIDD 1 initiatives that are continuing into MIDD 2 are undergoing operational updates to increase efficiency, effectiveness, and/or meet revised policy goals. 

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