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Other Partners

Contractors & Partners - Other Partners

The King County Veterans' Program works closely with multiple partners to serve veterans, active-duty military personnel, National Guard and Reserve members, and families of these military personnel.

Veterans, Seniors and Human Services Levy

In November 2005, King County voters passed the first Veterans and Human Services Levy to generate funding for a wide range of programs to assist: veterans, military servicemembers (and their families) and individuals and families in need.

In August 2011, King County voters overwhelmingly supported a six-year renewal of the Veterans and Human Services Levy (expired December 31, 2017).  The VHSL Service Improvement Plan guided the implementation of the levy from 2005 - 2017.

In November 2017, King County voters approved the renewal and expansion of the Veterans, Seniors and Human Services Levy (VSHSL). The current levy is guided by the VSHSL Transition Plan in the first year (2018) and by the Implementation Plan for the remaining five years (2019-2023). King County staff from the Department of Community and Human Services are leading the process to implement the Veterans, Seniors and Human Services Levy throughout 2018.

To learn more, please visit the King County Veterans, Seniors & Humans Services Levy page.

King County Veterans Coalition

The King County Veterans Coalition is a group of county veteran program administrators and veteran advocates in King County who are collectively assessing and addressing the evolving needs of indigent veterans. This group does not provide direct services, but works to enhance the ability of Washington's counties to serve veterans and their families. To learn more, please visit the King County Veterans Coalition.

Contact Us

Phone 206-263-9105

TTY Relay: 711

Fax: 206-296-5260
