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LCR 10. Form of Pleading and Other Papers

Local Civil Rule

(a) Caption

(1) Names of Parties.

(A) For criminal, protection order, family law, parentage, and all juvenile matters, case initiating document(s) shall include the name of all known parties in the caption. The clerk shall reject any case filed where the names of the parties are not included.

(B) For all other cases, in the case initiating document(s) the caption of the action shall include the names of all known parties. In the event the filing party seeks to conceal the name of a party, the filing party may file the case initiating document(s) using the initials of the party and must simultaneously file and note a motion, which shall not be stricken, for an order from the Respective Chief Judge per LCR 7 motion practice rules, and GR and LGR 15 sealing and redaction rules, allowing the case to proceed using initials. If no motion is filed and noted for hearing with the case initiating documents, the clerk shall reject the case. If the court denies the order to proceed using initials to identify a party, the order will instruct the clerk and the parties as to a new caption for the case using names of the parties, after affording the plaintiff the ability to file a CR 41 motion.

[Adopted effective September 1, 2018; amended effective September 1, 2022.]
