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Raging River Natural Area

Raging River Natural Area

Raging River Natural Area

Location Map for Raging River Natural Area
The Raging River Natural Area is located on the east bank of the Raging River two miles south of Fall City. King County acquired the 52-acre Natural Area through the Forest Legacy Program to help preserve and protect water and habitat quality in the Raging River and the Snohomish Basin.

The Raging River provides high quality spawning habitat for large populations of five anadromous salmon species. The heavily forested Natural Area provides wildlife corridors and protects aquatic habitat and water quality. Numerous terrestrial wildlife are present including elk, deer, and bear, and a diversity of resident and migratory bird species.

The Raging River Natural Area is adjacent to a section of the Preston-Snoqualmie Regional Trail and other parcels of public land. As such, passive recreational activities such as hiking and bird watching are permitted.

The Raging River Natural Area Forest Stewardship Plan is available in Adobe Acrobat format. For help using Acrobat files, please visit our Acrobat help page. The document is available in parts to reduce download time and minimize computer problems during and after download.

Prime riparian habitat along the Raging RiverDownload Here:

Raging River Natural Area Forest Stewardship Plan (920 Kb)
