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Steps to Completing Your CTR Employer Initial Program Report

Steps to Completing Your CTR Employer Initial Program Report

  1. Go to:
    • Contact your Employer Transportation Representative (ETR) if you need your assigned Login and Password.  
  2. Select the Program Report tab.  
  3. Below the Program Reports heading, select the correct report year for the program you are working on and click “Create Report for (year)”.  
  4. Select the following option:
    • Create a new blank report.  
  5. Complete program information for your worksite following the website prompts. For clarification on particular questions in the Program report, check out our Program Report FAQ page. Be sure to "Save" as you go through the report. You can return to the report at a later time to complete.
  6. When you are finished making changes or adding new elements to your report, go to the final page and click “Submit report for review”. This screen page will list sections that have not been updated.
  7. *IMPORTANT* Notify your ETR that you have submitted your program report and that it is ready for review and email them via a copy of your worksite’s CTR Program Summary.  
    • Your ETR will review your program report and program summary piece and contact you with questions or notify you of the report’s preliminary approval. Once you receive preliminary approval, print a complete copy of your Program Report and route to the highest-ranking official at the worksite for signature.  
  8. Submit the signature page via email to
  9. Distribute your updated program summary piece in accordance with your jurisdiction’s CTR ordinance.  

CTR Employer Initial Program Report

The CTR law requires employers to complete an initial Employer Program Report and submit it to the local jurisdiction for review. Many jurisdictions use a condensed version of the report for subsequent program updates.

Upon completion of your baseline survey, your survey results and a Notification to complete your initial Program Report will be sent to you. You will have 90 days to complete the initial Program Report. Sites are also required to submit a CTR Program Summary piece with their Program Report.

The Employer Program Report provides you with a way to report on the strategies and program elements your company uses to promote commute alternatives to employees. Once submitted to your jurisdiction, the program report is reviewed for its completeness, its inclusion of mandatory program elements and the likelihood it will result in trip reduction.
