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Cancel my voter registration 取消我的選民登記

Cancel your voter registration if you have moved out of the county or if you no longer wish to be a registered voter. Print, sign and return our voter registration cancellation form . 如果您搬離了本郡,又或者您不再想成為登記選民,您應取消您的選民登記。請印出我們的取消選民登記表格 , 然後簽署並交回。

Cancel a voter registration for a deceased voter 取消已故選民的選民登記

Cancel the registration of a deceased voter by printing, signing and returning our voter registration cancellation form for a deceased voter . 您可印出我們的 取消已故選民登記表格 , 然後簽署並交回,便可取消一名已去世的選民之登記。
