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Sustaining level

Learn how schools and districts can build on conservation practices covered in Levels One, Two, and Three.

Sustaining Green Schools and Districts

The sustaining program level is for schools and school districts that have been recognized as Level One, Two, and Three King County Green Schools or Green School Districts.

Your school or district can be recognized as a Sustaining Green School or Green School District each year it continues education and actions from previous program levels:

Completes a new activity or project in any sustainability area, including:

  • waste reduction and recycling
  • energy conservation
  • water conservation and pollution prevention
  • healthy schools
  • transportation
  • green building

The new activity or project can include education, outreach, advocacy, practices, or policies in your school, district, or a community beyond your school.

Best practices guide


Each school year your school or district earns recognition at the sustaining level, you will receive:

  • an electronic icon for websites and newsletters
  • an updated success story on the program website.

Schools also receive a Sustaining Green School ribbon to place on their Green Schools banner.

Green Schools banner with Sustaining Green School ribbons
Green Schools banner with "Sustaining Green School" ribbons

See the School Recognition form* once your school meets the criteria.

*You can complete the form in multiple sessions by selecting the "Save" button on the bottom right. You'll receive a link in your email to continue filling out the form. Once the form is complete, select the "Submit" button.

School District Recognition form

Tips to Sustain and expand your Green School practices

Educate and remind!

To educate new students and staff and to remind those returning to the school, make weekly announcements (over the PA system, in classrooms, and in the cafeteria) about what materials can and can't be recycled. Also make announcements about your school's waste reduction, energy conservation, and water conservation practices throughout the school year -- especially at the beginning of the school year, in early January, and in early spring.

Set regular Green Team meetings for your Green Team or other student group(s) who will work on conservation education and actions. Recruit new student and staff members. Ask the King County Green Schools Program for recommendations and guidance.

Receive free education programs: Visit King County's Education & schools assistance for information on classroom workshops for grades 1 – 12, elementary school assemblies, and online resources.

Student Green Team at Maywood Middle School
Green Team at Maywood Middle School

Share your successes

Celebrate: Promote your success story by making announcements at your school, placing your highest level Green Schools' logo on your website, and including an article in a PTSA newsletter with a link to your school's success story.

Showcase your banner: Schools - Display your Green Schools banner with its highest level Green Schools' sticker or ribbon. Districts – Display your Green Schools certificate.

Recognize: Congratulate outstanding "green" students and staff.

Mentor another school(s) in your district: The King County Green Schools Program can connect you with staff members and teams at other schools in your district who would like to be mentored by another school.

Hold a "Green Schools" or "Green Team" summit with other schools in your district: Organize a gathering of staff members and student leaders who want to share their successes and learn from others.
