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Updating the Countywide Planning Policies

Updating the Countywide Planning Policies

The GMPC is in the process of updating the CPPs. The intent of the update process is threefold:

  1. to ensure consistency with current state law, state agency guidance and recent hearings board decisions;
  2. to align the CPPs with the newly adopted regional growth strategy found in VISION 2040; and
  3. to modernize the CPP narrative to reflect the ongoing and evolving implementation of the Growth Management Act and countywide policies.

GMPC anticipates action on the amended CPPs in fall 2011. Leading up to that, GMPC is reviewing draft policies and narrative as they are completed. As progress on these updates is made, the links below will become active and allow you to review draft policy language in each CPP chapter.

CPP Chapters (CURRENT): CPP Chapters (FINAL Draft 6-15-11):
Vision and Framework Vision and Framework
Critical Areas Environment
Land Use Pattern Development Patterns
Affordable Housing Housing
Economic Development Economy
Transportation Transportation
Contiguous and Orderly Public Services 

GMPC Materials for September 21, 2011 Meeting:

Public Comments received to date on the Public Review Draft:


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